Run Magazine ReRun 1989 September & October
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Commodore BASIC
75 lines
10 rem new rerun c64 automenu
20 rem lou wallace
40 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:printchr$(142)
50 dr=peek(186):v=54273
60 ch$="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
70 dr$=right$(str$(dr),len(str$(dr))-1)
80 dim n$(255),d$(255):cx=54272:print "[147]"
90 read f
100 for i=1 to f:read n$(i),d$(i)
110 if len(n$(i))>13 then n$(i)=left$(n$(i),13)+"*"
120 next
130 gosub 400
140 rem - print first column of names -
150 d$=""
160 for i=1 to f/2
170 print d$;
180 print""mid$(ch$,i,1)" "n$(i)
190 gosub 590:d$=d$+""
200 next
210 rem -- then 2nd column of names ---
220 d$=""
230 for i=(f/2+1) to f
240 print d$;
250 printspc(19)""mid$(ch$,i,1)" "n$(i)
260 gosub 590:d$=d$+""
270 next
280 getm$:ifm$=""then 280
290 ifm$<"a"orm$>chr$(64+f)then280
300 p=asc(m$)-64:print"[147]"
310 if d$(p)<>"run" then 340
320 iflen(n$(p))>12thenn$(p)=left$(n$(p),12)+"*"
330 print"load"chr$(34)n$(p)chr$(34)","dr$"[145][145][145]":goto360
340 iflen(n$(p))>15thenn$(p)=left$(n$(p),16)+"*"
350 print"load"chr$(34)n$(p)chr$(34)","dr$",1[145][145][145]"
360 a$=d$(p)
370 a$=a$+chr$(13)
380 poke631,13:forb=1tolen(a$):poke631+b,asc(mid$(a$,b,1)):next:poke198,10
390 new
400 poke 53280,0:poke 53281,0
410 ov=peek(53265)
420 poke 53265,peek(53265)and 247
430 poke 53265,(peek(53265)and248)+7
440 pr$="[209][165] [167][209]"
450 tp$="[209][165][213][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][201][167][209]"
460 md$="[209][165][194] [194][167][209]"
470 bt$="[209][165][202][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][203][167][209]"
480 hd$="september/october 1989 rerun"
490 print"[147]";
500 print tp$;:gosub 590
510 for i=1 to 2:print md$;:gosub 590:next
520 print"[145]";hd$;:gosub 590
530 print:print"[145]";
540 for i=1 to 1:print md$;:gosub 590:next
550 print bt$;:gosub 590
560 for i=1 to 19:print pr$;:gosub 590:next
570 poke 53265,27
580 return
590 rem sound routine here
600 poke v+23,15:poke v+4,9:poke v+5,0:poke v,1:poke v+3,32:poke v+3,33
610 return
1000 rem file list
1010 rem first entry is the number of programs on this disk
1020 rem followed by each filename
1030 rem second data item is run or sysxxxxx
1040 rem run if file is basic and sys xxxxx if ml
1050 data 8
1060 data geoslides,run
1070 data calendar 64/128,run
1080 data word wonder,run
1090 data gantry,run
1100 data quikmat,run
1110 data maze run,run
1120 data functional keys,run
1125 data customizer,run